B2B Oil + Energy Client Case Study





B2B Oil + Energy

Web Optimization, Distinguish Company from Competitors by Creating a Cohesive Brand

Creative Photography + Videography, Web Design, Graphic Design, Branding



A unoptimized website and inconsistent marketing messaging were holding the client back from gaining more market presence and market share. The old website possessed heavy photos and videos, accessibility errors, and inconsistent messaging across their online presence.


By starting from the ground up, UNRTH built out a comprehensive Hondo Branded Guidelines which address everything from look and feel to storytelling copywriting that truly resonates with B2B clients. Several Creative Photography shoots were held to create an inventory of powerful storytelling images. The new website it not only faster than ever, but the storytelling on the social platforms like LinkedIn are not consistent with the company’s strategic sales objectives for the year.



The old website was slow and preventing the company from ranking highly on web search. When potential new clients are doing general searches online for water transfer services, the client’s website was not ranking.


The website is optimized with regular maintenance. The branded messaging is consistent across all digital and print marketing materials. The systemized brand is communicating core values that both reach and resonate with clients.

B2B + Industry Client Case Study





B2B + Industry

Company Modernization, Distinguish Company from Competitors by Highlighting Happy Employees

Creative Photography, Web Design, Graphic Design

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A disjointed brand message and antiquated marketing materials were holding the client back from gaining more business to business customers. The old website possessed broken links, pixelated photography, non-compelling messaging, and an overall unprofessional appearance.


By starting from the ground up, UN-RTH edited content to flow and created captivating visuals that broke down complex systems into digestible pieces that the business customer could easily understand. Several Creative Photography shoots were held to create an inventory of powerful storytelling images. The new website tells the unique story of Happy Employees and the value of the highly specialized services that the client can provide to business customers in every industry.

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The old marketing materials were dense and boring. Most clients did not bother to read the materials and just skipped to the pricing page without understanding the unique value the client would provide.

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The new marketing materials like proposals, brochures, and flyers have new, fresh imagery and design and demonstrate a professional, capable, and modern company to potential clients.

Health + Wellness Client Case Study





Health + Wellness

Create an Effective Long Term Strategic Marketing Plan

Opportunity Matrices, Blue Ocean Strategic Planning, + SWOT Research & Analysis



The client wanted to gain more market share and outstrip their competition. As a smaller competitor in the nutraceutical industry, it is critical that the client create and position her brand in a non-saturated area of the market. We had to figure out: How do we work SMARTER instead of harder?


To gain an in-depth understanding of the market UNRTH conducted two market studies and was able to advise the client on underserved sections of the market where they could be competitive and make more money. For example, partnering with Beauty Subscription Boxes, Creating a targeted Amazon presence, and selling in Germany, Thailand, and Austria are going to make our client competitive with their larger counterparts.

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Client had an outdated brand and logo that was advertising to everyone and no one. There was not a compelling story that stirred targeted customers to action.

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The research revealed that the client could command a higher margin and price point if they invested in (1) becoming an information authority within their industry and (2) proved the value of taking a pill over consuming whole foods.

Food + Restaurant Client Case Study





Food + Restaurant

Update an old and beloved brand + Increase the average ticket

Rebranding, Website Redesign, Ethnographic Customer Study & Analysis, + Creative Revenue Innovation



In a fast and evolving food industry, the client’s brand was unable to keep up with the times. The advertising displayed artificial, unhealthy looking food in a time when consumers wanted fresh ingredients and expected to see mouthwatering food photography. The client also wanted to find a new way to increase the average ticket price aka MORE REVENUE aka “we want people to spend more money when they come to our stores (300+ locations).”


The 1st step in modernizing the brand to have more appetite appeal was to invest in captivating Food Lifestyle Photography, focus on Fresh Ingredients, and highlight Fun Copy. Instead of following conventional logic thats says “ok, let’s hire more sales people to upsell” or “let’s add more products that people will want to buy,” we wanted to empathize with the buyer, so we did an ethnographic study. What we discovered was that people were not buying dips (add-ons) and it wasn’t because they were bad, but because they had no way of eating and shopping. So we designed a solution that allowed people to walk and eat. Lo and behold, people bought more dips and the average ticket went up by 8% in a one month test.

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The Web and Brand Redesign allowed for a cleaner, more modern, and fresher take on a classic American food brand. Instead of getting lost is messy fonts and pictures, a clear brand message with mouthwatering food becomes the focal point.


The food looked fake and marketing was a complete mess. There were too many messages, so the consumer was getting confused and not taking desired actions. The consumer also viewed the client’s food as unhealthy and artificial.

Sports + Automotive Client Case Study





Sports + Automotive

Increase Social Media Presence + Engagement

Social Media Marketing, Branding



Overall, the polo industry is behind the social media curve and therefore unable to create more value for sponsors - leaving money on the table. The client needed to build Social Media to generate more revenue and customers.


UN-RTH started implementing basic Social Media knowledge by adding #hashtags and creating engaging content with imagery and captions. Creating an authentic and unique brand voice that resonates with the audience was key to building a following and engagement.

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The client was just starting Social Media for their emerging Polo School brand and did not know how to engage or reach more followers. There were very low likes, few hashtags, and almost no engagement.

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With the keyword list of relevant #hashtags and engaging captions that we provided to our client, they were able to start building their brand reach. More followers and higher engagement came.